Scion Instruments Canada is proud to announce that we are now distributing for two new companies here in the Canadian market!

Frontier labs: Pyrolysis-GC and GC/MS is a great tool for the analysis of polymeric materials. The Frontier vertical micro-furnace technology performs true flash pyrolysis with no transfer lines. All pyrolyzates are directly deposited on-column so there is no worry about losing active analytes.

Markes International: Thermal Desorption for GC and GC-MS is a versatile pre-concentration technique used for the analysis of VOCs and SVOCs in a wide range of applications.
Reach out to your local Account Manager or for more information!
#PYGCMS #Pyrolysis #Frontierlabs #Markesinternational #ThermalDesorption #GasChromatography #MassSpec #GCMS #SamplePrep #AnalyticalChemistry #Microplastics #PFAS